Thank you for visiting the website of Chemical Art Technology Inc.
For inquiries about our products, document requests, ordering parts/consumables, recruit information, or any other questions, please contact us via the following e-mail form, phone, or fax. Please use the FAX inquiry sheet below for inquiries and orders by FAX.
For inquiries by phone, please contact us by the number below.
Tel:046-225-3780Reception hours Weekdays 9:00 to 17:00 (closed on Saturday, Sunday, and holidays)
For inquiries by FAX, please contact us by the number below.
An inquiry sheet is available. Please print out and use this.
Fax:046-225-3782Reception hours 24 hours
Inquiry form
For inquiries by e-mail, please use this inquiry form. Please kindly fill in the necessary information and
send it. The person in charge will contact you shortly after confirmation.
Items marked with * are required.